Development Programs
Development Programs
The Town of Ingersoll and the County of Oxford initiated the Central Area Design Guidelines study in July of 2013. The study was undertaken with the purpose of establishing urban design principles and best practices, which are to be used as a guide to assist in the design and improvement of developments within the identified central area. The resulting document, the Central Area Design Guidelines, was presented to Council in August of 2014 and was adopted by Council on November 10, 2014.
Ingersoll Renewable and Alternative Energy Strategy 2009 – 2014
ERTH Corporation staff and Town of Ingersoll staff started meeting in March 2009 to begin to put together a strategy which would mutually benefit everyone. After meetings with Education, the German Chamber Industry Chamber of Commerce, MEDT and other private business and government officials, the strategy increased in nature and added partners joined the group. This included Menova Energy Inc, Conestoga College, University of Toronto, Intech Clean Energy Inc. and others. This has become very much a community driven steering committee.
The overall main goals of the Renewable and Alternative Energy strategy are:
- To create renewable and alternative energy opportunities in Ingersoll
- To create jobs for rural and urban areas in and surrounding Ingersoll
The Secondary Sub Goals are:
- Attract a renewable energy manufacturer(s) to Ingersoll. This includes looking at the feasibility of solar cluster development for the Clarke Road Industrial Park or other areas in Ingersoll.
- Explore the construction of renewable energy projects on town owned land and/or buildings
- Explore existing companies in Ingersoll who could provide expansion and diversifications opportunities
- Open up opportunity for ground mount and roof top solar construction for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Properties
- Work with Conestoga College, the University of Toronto and others to develop curriculum around renewable energy and R&D which can be delivered at the ‘Ingersoll Skills Training Centre’ and other locations
- To develop partnerships who will bring a variety of options, opportunities and investment. This will include meeting with local power authorities for materials, servicing and installation etc.
- To develop opportunities for local farmers who wish look at renewable and alternative energy options
Resolution Supporting Rooftop Solar Initiatives
Quick Facts
- Ontario’s energy costs are lower than Michigan and Ohio’s rates
Other Projects, Initiatives and Links
- Ontario Power Authority:
- Ontario Sustainable Energy Association:
Youth Entrepreneurship
Are you a youth in Ingersoll looking to start your own business or work as a team on an exciting enterprise? You should visit Fusion Youth Centre’s Youth Entrepreneurship Partnership Program or the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade’s Youth’s Summer Company.
Fusion Youth Centre’s Youth Entrepreneurship Partnership Program
Info on the Fusion Centre

Young Adult – Start a Company
Small Business Services
Do you want to start an entrepreneurship or a small business within Ingersoll? Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner wanting to expand your business? If yes, please visit Oxford Small Business Support Centre or the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.
Community Futures Oxford
Province of Ontario
Contact Us
Town of Ingersoll
130 Oxford Street (2nd Floor), Ingersoll, ON, N5C 2V5, Map this location
Phone: 519-485-0120, Email Us