Building Services
Building Services
Apply for your Permit Online
The Town of Ingersoll now offers Cloudpermit to residents, builders and the business community. Cloudpermit is an online system that allows you to apply for and track your building permits.
Cloudpermit has several advantages:
It allows you to apply for and view the status of your application anywhere, at any time.
You can start an application and finish it later.
You receive emails and updates on the status of your building permit application.
All inspection requests are made online through Cloudpermit.
Division C, Part 1, Section (5) of the Ontario Building Code specifies that an application be deemed complete prior to the start of the review period.
Division C, Part 1, Section (5) (e) of the Ontario Building Code specifies that all fees, including security deposits are to be paid when the application for a permit is submitted (either in person or online) in order for the application to be considered complete.
If, at the time of submission of the application for a building permit the fee cannot be fully determined, a minimum deposit amount, as determined by staff, will be accepted. At no time will this deposit amount be less than our minimum permit fee of $200.00
The applicant will be notified of the full fee amount payable and full payment of the balance owing must be received by the Building Department prior to proceeding with the application review.
Payment can be made either in person at Town Hall or via mail.
Acceptable forms of payment are cash, debit or cheque. (Please do not mail cash)
Your application will not be accepted unless it is deemed complete.
A complete application must include the following:
- Completed permit application form
- Completed schedule 1 form/designer form (if applicable)
- Drawings (must be legible and clearly show construction details)
- Site plan (must be fully dimensioned showing all overall dimensions of property, all buildings with dimensions on the property, distance to property lines from all buildings/structures, full lot coverage calculations)
- Permit fees
- Owner authorization letter allowing the applicant to act as the owner’s agent if applicant is not the owner
- Authorization/approval from any applicable authority having jurisdiction. i.e. UTRCA, Ministry of Transportation etc.
For the following residential building projects:
- Decks
- Pools
- Sheds
- Tents
- Gazebos
- Accessory structures
- Interior alterations
- Additions/New Dwellings
New to Cloudpermit Already Registered with Cloudpermit
Building Permit and Inspection Services provides the best professional service in administering and enforcing Ontario’s Building Code Act. We ensure, safe, healthy and accessible buildings, in which we live, work and play in Ingersoll.
Through the examination of plans and inspections, we ensure compliance with building standards of the Ontario Building Code and other applicable laws.
Our team is here to offer zoning, building code information and technical advice and to be of assistance during the entire construction process.
The following information details some of the services provided by the building department:
- Building Permit
- Demolition Permit
- Change of Use Permit
- Conditional Permit
- Septic System Permit
- Sign Permit
- Retaining Wall Permit
- Pool Fence Permit
Other services
- Zoning Information Letters
- Agency Letters of Approval for AGCO
- Civic Address Creation
- Application for Connection of Water and Sewer
- Application for Minor Variance
- Application for Site Plan Approval or Site Plan Amendment
- Apply for a Pool Fence Permit
- Schedule 1: Designer Information
- Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish
- Demolition Permit Application Checklist
- Basework Plumbing Plan
- Water/Sewer Form
- Utility Notification and Locates Link
- Building Inspection
- Plumbing Inspection
- Heating & Ventilation Inspection
- Structural Inspection
- Fire Systems Inspection
Inspections are available Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm.
All inspection requests are to be received no later than 3:00pm the day prior to the inspection, up to 48 hours advance notice may be required to accommodate all requests.
Please include a contact name and cell phone number of someone who will be available onsite for staff to contact if necessary.
For all building permit applications, please use our Cloud Permit online portal.
- Application submissions will be reviewed for completeness. Staff will provide application comments and an invoice will be sent via email.
- Fees can be paid by cheque, debit or cash. Cheques can be mailed to:
Town of Ingersoll
130 Oxford St. 2nd Floor
Ingersoll Ontario
N5C 2V5 - Payment may also be dropped off in the Town Centre drop box located on the south wall of the main entrance.
- Applicants will be notified via email during each step of the application process and permit issuance.
- If you require assistance please email or call 519-485-0120 ext. 6265.
Building Permit Review Timelines for Applications that have been Deemed Complete
The review timeline starts the day after the application has been deemed complete , the time period refers to business days.
Class of Building | Time Period |
(a) A detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse, or row house where no dwelling unit is located above another dwelling unit (b) A detached structure that serves a building described in Clause (a) and does not exceed 55m2 in building area. (Accessory structures - sheds, decks, detached garages, carports, pool fences etc.) (c) A tent to which Section 3.14 of Division B applies (d) A sign to which Section 3.15 of Division B applies | 10 days |
(a) Buildings described in Clause Division A, other than buildings described in Column 1 of any of Items 1 and 4 of this table (3 or fewer stories in height, building area 600m2 or less and classified as residential occupancies, business and personal services, mercantile, or low and medium hazard industrial occupancies) (b) Farm Buildings that do not exceed 600m2 in building area. | 15 days |
(a) Buildings described in Clause or (b) of Division A, other than buildings described in Column 1 of any items 1 and 4 of this Table. (More than 3 stories with building area greater than 600m2 and classified as Assembly, care and detention, large residential, business and personal service, mercantile, high medium an low hazard industrial) (b) Farm Buildings exceeding 600m2 in building area | 20 days |
(a) Post-disaster buildings (b) Buildings to which Substection 3.2.6 of Division B or any provision in Articles to of Division B applies. (High buildings, buildings with interconnected floor areas.) | 30 days |
Building permits are required to ensure that your construction project conforms to the Ontario Building Code, Town of Ingersoll Zoning By-Laws, Upper Thames River Conservation Authority requirements, and all other Applicable Laws.
Owners of the property or building are ultimately responsible for applying for permits and complying with all building requirements. Failure to do so may result in additional fees, legal action, or removal of work that has already been completed.
1. Constructing a new building
2. Constructing an addition to an existing building
- Second story additions
- Attached garages, carports, covered roof areas
- Sunrooms
- Porches, decks, ramps, or elevating devices
3. Making structural or material alterations
- Adding or removing walls (changing room sizes, or uses)
- Re-insulating walls, floor areas, or attic areas
- New windows or doors where there were none before
- Enlarging or relocating windows and doors
- Enclosing decks or porches of any size
- Fire damage repairs
- Raising a building to create or enlarge a basement
4. Constructing an accessory structure larger than 15 sq. m. (161.459 sq. ft.) in area
- Detached garage
- Shed / workshop
- Gazebo
- Pool house / Cabana
5. Finishing a basement with any of the following
- Structural or material (insulation, vapor barrier) alterations
- Installing or modifying heating or plumbing systems
- Excavating and/or constructing foundations
- Constructing a basement entrance.
- Adding a secondary residential suite
6. Energy efficiency improvements
- Installing solar panels
- Roof top storm water retention
- Green roof systems
7. Construct a deck or porch at the main means of egress (front door) regardless of size, or height
8. Construct a deck more than 200 mm (8”) from grade, greater than 10 sq. m (108 sq. ft.)
9. Construct a retaining wall more than 1m (3’-3”) in height where adjacent to public property
10. Construct a tent (over 60 sq. m. (646 sq. ft.) and/or is attached to a building and/or is within 3m of another structure
11. Demolish or removal of portion of a building
12. Install wood burning stove or fireplace
13. Install or modify heating or plumbing systems
14. Install backwater valve, or back flow prevention device
15. Change the buildings use (example: changing from residential to office space – even if no construction is proposed)
16. Alterations to Roof Systems, Exterior Wall Systems (Part 11 renovations)
1. Shed that is not more than 15m² in gross area, is not more than one storey in building height, is not attached to a building or any other structure, is used only for storage purposes ancillary to a principle building on the lot, and does not have plumbing.
2. Gazebo under 10 sq. m. (108 sq. ft.) in area
3. Building a fence that does not enclose a pool
4. Installing millwork and cabinetry
5. Replacing or updating plumbing fixtures (no changes to plumbing piping systems)
6. Re-shingling residential roofs
7. Painting, trim, or decorating, or new floors
8. Replacing windows and doors of the same size and location
9. Replacing a furnace, or hot water tank
All residential swimming pools (a temporary inflatable pool, an in-ground pool, or an above ground pool) requires a pool fence under By-Law 07-4375 if the pool meets the following requirements:
- Any body of water having a depth of 600 mm (24”)
- Intended for swimming or wading
- *Hydro Massage pools with locking lids are excluded from this requirement
Note: This list is not exhaustive. If your project does not appear on this list please contact the BUILDING DEPARTMENT for clarity on your project and how to proceed.
Building Department Services are now available by appointment only
To make an appointment please email:
Contact Us
Town of Ingersoll
130 Oxford Street (2nd Floor), Ingersoll, ON, N5C 2V5, Map this location
Phone: 519-485-0120, Email Us