Roads Maintenance And Street Lights
Roads Maintenance And Street Lights
The winter maintenance (snow-plowing) of Sidewalks along public roads within the public right-of-way are the responsibility of the Town. Winter maintenance operations are carried out by the town by either using its own employees & equipment, or by contracting out such services to a contractor. For these winter maintenance operations, the Town strives to meet or exceed the Ontario provincial regulations governing standards of maintenance of municipal infrastructure.
Sidewalks that are along unassumed roads or private roads are the responsibility of the respective developers or road owners.
Please contact if you have any questions about winter maintenance of sidewalks or roads in the Town of Ingersoll.
The Public Works Department oversees the maintenance and repair of roads and sidewalks in Ingersoll. The responsibilities of the Public Works Department include the following:
- Winter Control Operations on Municipal Streets and Sidewalks
- Street Sweeping
- Sidewalk and Curb Maintenance
- Litter and Debris Pick Up
- Bridge and Culvert Maintenance
- Roadside Grass Mowing/Leaf Collection
- Storm Drain Maintenance
- Road Surface Maintenance
- Tree Trimming and Removal
- Ditches and Municipal Drains
- Street Signs and Traffic Signal Lights
- Shoulder Grading
Leaf Pickup Program
The Leaf Pick Up Program is a weekly curbside collection for residential households. (Note: Private streets and condominium corporations do not receive pick up)
Curbside leaf pick up will begin mid October and will end mid November weather permitting with one collection per street per week.
During this time, crews will make one weekly pick up per household.
To help crews with the pick up, we would appreciate your co-operation with the following:
- Have leaves out by Monday morning of each week.
- Rake leaves onto the boulevard or edge of lawn – NOT ONTO THE STREET.
- LEAVES ONLY – don’t include brush, bedding plants, weeds, or loose dirt in the piles.
As a reminder LEAVES, BRUSH, and PLANT MATERIAL can be taken to the Brush & Yard Waste depot at 80 Pemberton St. beside the Public Works Yard
Collected leaves are then hauled away to the County of Oxford Compost Facility for processing.
Although every effort is made to deliver leaf pickup on schedule, delays may occur for the following reasons:
- Poor weather conditions, such as rain or snow.
- Heavy volume of leaves.
- Vehicles parked on the street.
- Rocks, wood, brush and other items mixed in with leaves causing machines to plug or break down.
The Town is doing all that it can to repair all potholes, but we ask that residents be careful when driving to avoid any mishaps and to take time out to report any potholes they encounter.
To report potholes or defects in the road:
Contact the Public Works Department at 519-485- 0120 or
Provide the exact address and location of the problem
Pot Hole Maintenance FAQs
How are potholes formed?
A combination of pavement fatigue, poor soil and moisture combine to cause potholes. They form most often in the spring during repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. Water enters through cracks in the pavement and from the sides of the road, and is trapped. When the water freezes, it expands, and after it thaws, it leaves a void where the water was once before. Continuous freezing and thawing causes the pavement to break into pieces and when traffic loosens the pieces, a pothole results.
You filled a pothole, but a few days later, there it was again. Why don’t your repairs last longer?
The material used to patch potholes doesn’t stick as well to the surrounding pavement when it is cold or wet, so repairs made in the winter may not last as long as on dry, warm pavement. We can’t wait for dry weather to fill potholes, however, because we must maintain safety. In late December and the beginning of January, asphalt plants are closed, and hot asphalt is not available. Instead, during these weeks, we use a “cold mix.” Pothole repairs made under adverse conditions may not last as long, but the potholes still need to be filled for reasons of safety.
If the cause of the pothole is not corrected, such as water getting under the pavement, pothole patches may fail, or more potholes will continue to form. The long-term solution is to repave the street, and in some cases, to reconstruct the street from the ground up, and from the curb to curb. Potholes are also temporary repairs. That said, some pothole repairs last longer than others.
- Lane position
- Curves
- Lane endings
- Intersections and crosswalks
- Passing zones
Road crews apply pavement markings using a hand-operated machine for painting yellow and white lane lines, stop bars, crosswalks, and arrows. The Town of Ingersoll uses waterborne (latex) paint, which significantly reduces the chemicals released into the air, and onto the land.
If you notice any missing or faded pavement markings or have a request to have new lines painted, contact The Ingersoll Public Works at 519-485-0120 or email us at
Curb Repairs
Curb defects are identified during routine patrols by Town staff. Repairing curbs involves the removal of the existing curb, the forming and pouring of the new curb, and the restoration of asphalt and sod once the new curb is in place. A curb repair takes approximately three days to complete.
Sidewalk Repairs
The Town undertakes sidewalk network surveys to identify sidewalk defects. When hazardous sidewalk defects are identified, we perform a temporary repair to make the area safe. For example, a temporary asphalt ramp is installed to fix trip hazards. Sidewalks are repaired through one of two processes; edge grinding or replacement. The grinding process utilizes a surface grinder to align uneven sidewalk joints. Sidewalks that are beyond repair by edge grinding are scheduled for replacement. The replacement process involves the removal of the existing sidewalk, the forming and pouring of concrete for the new sidewalk, and the restoration of asphalt or sod. If you find a curb or sidewalk defect, report it to the Public Works at 519-485-0120 or
Streetlights cannot be relocated as they are installed in specific locations to meet design standards for ample lighting on the street.
Street lights are useful for:
- Providing a feeling of safety, security and comfort.
- Helping to reduce nighttime vehicular accidents by increasing visibility for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
- Enhancing social and commercial traffic
To report a street light out or a problem with a street light:
- Phone the Town of Ingersoll at 519-485-0120 or fill out this form from ERTH Power. The Town staff will co-ordinate with ERTH (Holdings) Inc. to ensure the repairs are affected as soon as possible.
- Report the street name and if possible, the pole identification numbers, which are located on street side of the pole.
- If the pole does not have an identification number, report the residential address the pole is closest to.
- Stop locations
- Parking regulations
- Hazards and warnings
- Directions
Signs are usually placed due to a bylaw regulating some sort of restriction or road designation. These Bylaws are passed through Council usually through a recommendation from the Town Bylaw Committee.
If you notice any missing, bent, twisted or faded signs, or have a request to have signage changed in a certain location, contact The Ingersoll Public Works at 519-485-0120 or email us at
Street Signs FAQ
Who do I call if a street sign is damaged?
You can contact the Public Works Department at 519-485-0120 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or send an email to
How does the Town determine where to place signs?
Signs are placed and oriented as outlined in the Ontario Traffic Manual. This ensures that all signs in Ontario are the same height from the ground, distance from the edge of road, colour, and shape.
Who do I contact if I wish to have parking restriction put on or taken off my street?
You can contact the Clerks Department at 519-485-0120 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
I would like a stop sign installed at the intersection to slow traffic down?
No. In some areas where speeding is a problem, residents believe that a stop is needed to address a speeding problem. However, other traffic control measures, such as speed limit signs and traffic enforcement, are more effective in controlling speed.
I would like to place a private sign on Town Property, am I permitted to?
No, You may not place a sign on Town property or the roadway
I would like to place a sign on my own property?
You are not permitted to post a sign on your property unless it is done in accordance with the Town of Ingersoll Sign Bylaw
The Street Sweeping Program consists of sweeping all Town streets to remove sand and debris that has accumulated over the winter season. These sweeping operations prevent materials from clogging catch basins and storm sewers, as well as providing a safe and clean driving surface.
The Town of Ingersoll Sweeps:
- All Town-owned roads, including bridges, catch basins and gutters.
- Hard-surfaced boulevards and medians.
- Sidewalks and walkways plowed by the Town during the winter.
- Parking lots at Town of Ingersoll Recreation facilities.
- Municipal owned lots in the Downtown Core.
Residents are reminded
- DO – Keep vehicles off residential streets to avoid blocking street sweeping operations.
- DO – Place garbage containers and recycling boxes away from the road on collection days.
- DO – Keep basketball and hockey nets off the road and far enough back from the curb.
- DO – Be understanding. While street sweeping is underway, there may be some noise and dust.
- DO – Be patient. Cold and rainy weather prevents our sweepers from operating.
- DO – Use the Yard Waste Depot to dispose of your lawn clippings Do Not rake them into the gutter
Sweeping Schedule
Sweeping operations begin in early spring when the ice and snow has melted from the curb line and the daytime temperatures are above freezing for consecutive days. This initial Spring Cleanup takes approximately 6 weeks to complete if all factors are favorable. Following the completion of the initial Spring Sweeping Program, Summer sweeping occurs until the Thanksgiving long weekend.
Summer sweeping includes:
- Sweeping major arterial and collector roads twice.
- Sweeping local residential streets once.
- Sweeping downtown streets weekly.
Why do trees need trimming?
Not all trees need trimming to the same degree, but all trees require some amount of regular pruning. In the forest, trees shed their branches naturally due to shading. When trees are “open grown” in parks and on streets we must carry out the trimming process.In Town parks, trees are trimmed to remove deadwood, to allow parks equipment to maneuver under them, to reduce the severity of insect and disease attack and to keep branches above the hands of vandals.
Street trees, on the other hand, must be trimmed to clear wires, and to allow a 14-foot height over roadways so that delivery vans and other vehicles can move easily. We must also remove deadwood, suckers and crossover branches to allow the free flow of air through the tree to reduce insect and disease attack.
For efficiency, trees are usually trimmed along an entire street. This keeps costs down and allows the maximum number of trees to be trimmed in the available time.
What would happen if the tree were never trimmed?
Over time, if the tree wasn’t trimmed, it would mature and limbs would break off in an irregular fashion, creating decay and eventual death. These broken and decayed branches could become hazards.
For an in-depth overview on tree pruning, please see the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) website.
Arranging to have your Town tree pruned
If you feel your tree requires some type of maintenance, please contact our Public Works at 519-485-0120 or email for an inspection and follow-up. Please note, requests will be responded to in a priority sequence.
Tree topping and why it is harmful
Topping is the indiscriminate cutting of tree branches to reduce the size of a tree. Tree topping is not a viable method of height reduction. Topping often removes 50 to 100 per cent of the leaf-bearing crown of a tree, destroying its natural form. Removing branches can temporarily starve a tree and it will use a drastic survival method that forces rapid growth of leaves below each cut that actually cause the tree to grow more quickly. This rapid growth depletes the tree’s energy reserves and makes it vulnerable to disease and insect infestation. Tree topping is not considered best practice and there are alternatives to curb growth and preserve the natural beauty of the tree.
Basic Care
- Keep pets away from trees.
- Do not nail or tie objects to trees.
- Water the tree during dry periods. It is recommended that you water your tree once or twice a week, allowing the hose to trickle for 30-40 minutes so the water can soak deeply into the roots.
- Do not hit, trim or cut the bark, trunk or branches of the tree.
- Be careful with lawnmowers and weed whips because they can seriously damage the lower bark.
- Use mulch to enrich the soil.
- Do not pile up soil, wood chips or grass clippings around the trunk of the tree. The trunk needs air and light to stay healthy. The soil around it should not rise over the bark
Planting Techniques
Different trees flourish in different types of soil. Be sure to research what type of soil you are planting in to ensure a better chance of survival. Location can also be important to a tree’s survival. For example, if you are planting a tree that requires full sunlight, do not plant it in a shady area. For more detailed instructions, tips and hints please use the following link to the International Society of Arboriculture
Winter Control
The Town of Ingersoll is responsible for plowing Town-owned roads. In addition to plowing roadways, we remove snow from bridges, sidewalks, school crossings, and walkways. For more detailed information on our plowing operations, see Levels of Service below.
The winter maintenance (snow-plowing) of Sidewalks along public roads within the public right-of-way are the responsibility of the Town. Winter maintenance operations are carried out by the town by either using its own employees & equipment, or by contracting out such services to a contractor. For these winter maintenance operations, the Town strives to meet or exceed the Ontario provincial regulations governing standards of maintenance of municipal infrastructure.
Sidewalks that are along unassumed roads or private roads are the responsibility of the respective developers or road owners.
Please contact if you have any questions about winter maintenance of sidewalks or roads in the Town of Ingersoll.
Parking Restriction
Under the terms of the Town of Ingersoll Traffic & Parking By-Law 06-4327 as amended. No person shall park a vehicle on any Town Street between the hours of 3:00a.m. and 6:00a.m. from December 1 to March 31st. The Town would appreciate during major snow storms that residents do not park on the streets so snowplowing crews can facilitate snow removal.
- 150 lane kilometers of roads
- 60 kilometers of designated sidewalks/walkways
- 10 designated school crossings
The Town of Ingersoll clears its roads on a priority system. Primary roads are cleared first followed by local residential streets and courts.
We do our best to maintain municipal roads and sidewalks within 24 hours after the end of snowfall. It may take longer if weather conditions are severe. In fact, all roads and sidewalks are cleared within 8 hours from the conclusion of the snow event.
Remember to clear the way! Don’t park on your street until it has been salted or plowed to assist crews in completing operations safely and efficiently.
- roads that carry high volumes of traffic, like Ingersoll and Bell Street
- the first to be cleared when it snows upon being aware of the snow event
- treated with salt as needed and then plowed continuously until pavement is bare, (note: during times of extreme cold weather sand may be used thus bare pavement cannot be achieved)
- maintained after primary roads are complete
- treated with sand
- maintained as snow packed surface not bare pavement
- only plowed when a single storm results in 8 cm or more of snow accumulation
- treated in the same manner as local residential streets
- have the snow piled on adjacent lawns using loaders when cleared
- only plowed when a single storm results in 10 cm or more of snow accumulation
- maintained as snow packed surface not bare pavement
- sidewalks are maintained Monday to Friday between 7:00am and 3:30pm
- sidewalks are not maintained on weekends or Statutory Holidays
- sidewalks are plowed or sand/salted when snow accumulates
- icy sidewalks due to a freezing rain event will be treated as soon as staff are made aware
- sidewalks are not maintained if:
- they are too narrow to accommodate the sidewalk machine
- there are obstructions such as utility poles/boxes that restrict the sidewalk machine
Street-to-Street Walkways are: plowed and receive a sand/salt mix, during sidewalk plowing operations
Pathways within Town Parks are: not maintained during the Winter Control season with the exception of the pathways through Smith Pond Park and Memorial Park which are maintained by the Public Works during regular Sidewalk Clearing operations.
Parking Lots
Snow Removal FAQ
The Town will repair damage if it was our plows that did the damage. If the Town is responsible, our standards are as follows:
Boulevard – The Town will use asphalt to repair the driveway portion of the boulevard. The Town will not restore driveway boulevards finished with interlocking brick, or patterned concrete.
Lawn – The Town will repair the lawn in the spring.
Mailboxes – The Town will replace the mailbox with a STANDARD RURAL mailbox.
For damage inquiries, call 519-485-0120
Contact Us
Town of Ingersoll
130 Oxford Street (2nd Floor), Ingersoll, ON, N5C 2V5, Map this location
Phone: 519-485-0120, Email Us