Property Taxes
Property Taxes
The Town of Ingersoll Tax Department is responsible for the billing and collection of all Interim, Final, Supplemental tax billing and property tax rebates for all properties located within the Town. The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assigns the assessed value to your property, and the Municipality uses the assessment times the tax rate to get your tax amount.
To avoid delays in receiving your tax bills and statements please register for paperless billing at
Property owners in Ontario are required to support a school board, even if they do not have children or their children are not currently attending school. In the case of a residential property occupied by tenants, the tenants can direct the school support for that property. By default, school support is directed to your municipality’s English Public School Board.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is legislatively required to collect school support information and provide it in the assessment roll to every municipality and school board. By ensuring that you are supporting the school board of your choosing, you will be able to vote in the next municipal and school board election for trustees in that school board. Property owners, occupants, and tenants can update their school support designation online at
- Education taxes– This tax rate is set by the Province of Ontario and remitted to your preferred local school board to support education services. To change your school support, please contact MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation)
- County Taxes– A portion of your taxes will go back to the County of Oxford to support various services provided such as Library, Social Housing, Land Ambulance and Ontario Works.
- Municipal Taxes– This tax rate is set by the Town of Ingersoll to cover the cost of supplying municipal services determined by the Budget process. Any grants, user fees and other sources of revenue are deducted from the total expenditures and the balance is raised through taxation.
Property Owners are billed twice a year, Interim, which is based on 50% of last year’s taxes and Final, which is based on current assessment and tax rates. Supplementary billing is also processed at various intervals during the year for property that has had assessment changes, omissions and or new builds, as well as any tax rebates, 357s, RFR’s and Section 40 refunds.
INTERIM BILLING – Mailed out in January of each year.
First Installment – Due last business day of February
Second Installment – Due last business day of May
FINAL BILLING – Mailed out in June of each year.
Third Installment – Due last business day of August
Fourth & Final – Due last business day of October
Payments received after the due date are subject to penalty and interest fees of 1.25% monthly and applied the day after an instalment is due and on the first of each month thereafter.
Late fees are established by the Municipal Act and Town policy and cannot be waived by Town Staff.
If you do not receive a tax bill it is your responsibility to contact the Tax Office at 519-485-0120, located at 130 Oxford Street, 2ndfloor, Ingersoll, N5C 2V5, Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, to ensure that we have a correct mailing address on file. Not receiving a tax bill does not omit you from paying your taxes on time and interest and penalties will apply.
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2024
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2023
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2022
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2021
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2020
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2019
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2018
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2017
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2016
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2015
- Summary of Tax Classes and County/Municipal/Education Rates – 2014
- Telephone or internet banking using your nineteen digit roll number that begins with 3218. When using this method or paying directly at your bank please allow 2-3 business day for your payment to reach our office on the due date.
- Town Hall, Treasury Department located at 130 Oxford Street, 2ndFloor above the library, using a check, debit or cash. There is also a drop off mail slot at the left hand side of the front door for after hours. Please include the remittance slip when making payment.
- Mortgage Company you can make arrangements to have taxes included in your mortgage payments, please contact your mortgage company or bank.
- Pre-Authorized Payment Plan– the Town offers 2 payments plans, Instalment and Monthly. To qualify for these plans, your taxes must be current, and an enrollment form must be completed, along with a void check or bank authorization. You can print off the enrollment form here, Pre-authorized payment form or you can pick up a copy at the Treasury Department.
There is no fee to sign up for these programs, and there will be no penalties applied if there is an outstanding balance remaining on the due dates.
Any payments returned will have an NSF fee of $ 25.00 applied. After two payment returns, you will be removed from the program.
Supplemental billing during the year is due outside of these plans, unless prior arrangements are made to include in the calculation of your pre-authorized amount.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to notify the Treasury Department when selling their property to be removed from the plan. A cancellation form can be printed off here Cancellation Form.
Instalment– Taxes are automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the day the taxes are due. You will still receive regular tax billing with the amount that will be deducted from your account on the bottom stubs. This is for your records, please do not pay.
Monthly – a calculated amount based on your yearly taxes will be deducted on the first business day of each month. You will receive notification of amount and any adjustments in a letter sent out in December and in June of each year. You will not receive an interim billing in January, you will receive the final billing in June for your records, do not pay.
Monthly Arrears Plan– The Town offers a preauthorized payment plan to property owners that are in tax arrears. An amount will be arranged between the owner and Tax Collector, for more information, please contact the Treasury Department to make an appointment. Interest and penalty charges are still processed on the outstanding balance.
Pay Simply: Pay taxes online by Credit Card, PayPal, or Interac e-Transfer
Pay Simply is the Town's secure third-party payment provider. Payment options available via Pay Simply include:
- Pay online with any major credit card (Visa, MC, Amex), PayPal, or Interac e-Transfer.
- Pay taxes in-person by debit card or cash at Canada Post.
- Visit the Pay Simply website to generate a QR code to bring with your payment.
A convenience fee will be applied to cover payment handling and processing charges. All fees are paid to PaySimply and the Town of Ingersoll does not retain any portion of the fee. You will be notified of the fee amount prior to the payment being processed. You will also receive an email confirmation of your transaction including fees paid. To ensure your payment is not late, please pay at least three (3) business days in advance of the due date.
Tax Sale September 22, 2022
Roll 3218 030 050 00405 0000
Albert St: PIN 00159-157 (R); PT LT BLK 16 PL 279 DESIGNATED AS PART 1 on
Highest Bid: $83,333.00
Results: Sold
The Town of Ingersoll has a fee policy in place which covers the following tax charges;
NEW ACCOUNT – $25.00
If your property is new to the tax roll, recently severed into a new lot, you will incur a onetime fee to cover the costs of set up.
If your tax payment is refused or non-sufficient funds by your financial institution, including Pre-authorized payments, postdated checks, you will be charged an NSF fee.
Any charges incurred through property standards, grass cutting, etc., or unpaid water and sewer billing can be added to your tax roll.
TAX LETTERS – $25.00
Letter verifying taxes paid on properties that have sold.
For the transfer of new ownership of properties when sold.
Usually required when selling your property or renewing your mortgage.
Cost: $60:00
Make cheque payable to: Town of Ingersoll
If request is urgent, send a copy of letter and cheque to
Mail cheque to: 130 Oxford St., 2nd Floor, Ingersoll, Ontario, N5C 2V5
MPAC values the assessment on your property. For assessment inquiries;
785 Wonderland Road, S. (WESTMOUNT MALL)
London, Ontario N6K 1M6
Telephone: 1-866-296-6722 Have your Roll number available.
All property owners in the Town of Ingersoll should have received their Property Assessment Notice for the current year from MPAC. If you have not received your notice, please contact MPAC at the above number or location.
How can I learn more about my assessment?
MPAC has produced a series of videos to help property owners’ better understanding of the assessment system. Available on YouTube, the following videos were provided to municipalities as part of the municipal toolkit, and are accessible on
There are a number of ways to appeal your property assessment:
Form 357/358
This form may be used to request a reduction in assessment if your property ceased to be liable at the current tax class, became exempt, damage by fire or demolished, repairs and construction that lasted more than 3 months, or 358 Gross manifest error on the part of MPAC. You may download a 357 form or pick up at the treasury office.
357/358 Application Form
Application for Property Tax Relief - Extreme Poverty & Sickness
Property Tax Cancellation, Reduction & Refund Policy
RFR (Request for Reconsideration)
You may request MPAC to come out to your property and re-evaluate the assessment if you feel it is too high by March 31 of each year for the current year. This application is handled through MPAC, for further information on RFR’s, .
Assessment Review Board Complaints
To file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board, the property owner must have previously filed an RFR or 357 and had a ruling. Click here for further information.
Tax Rebates for Vacancies
Under By Law 23-5254, The Town of Ingersoll has deemed it appropriate to end
the application of Section 364 Tax Rebates for Vacancies.
Registered Charities
Registered charities which occupy property in the commercial or industrial class may be eligible for property tax rebates of 40 per cent. All those who wish to apply must have a valid registration number issued by The Canada Revenue Agency and submit an application by the last day of February following the tax year.
The Registered Charities application form can be downloaded here. It is also available at the Treasury Department at the Town of Ingersoll.
The tax rebate offered to charities is intended to offset property tax increases that resulted from the elimination of the Business Occupancy Tax. Qualifying charities must apply each year for the rebate.
School Support
School Support questions or changes to board forms can be obtained at any School Office or by calling MPAC 1-866-296-6722.
Contact Us
Town of Ingersoll
130 Oxford Street (2nd Floor), Ingersoll, ON, N5C 2V5, Map this location
Phone: 519-485-0120, Email Us